Week 1 Of A Reel-less Existence!

It has been a week since I uninstalled FB app from my mobile. I log in once or twice in a day through my laptop, either to post a blog or to refer to my reading and writing groups. I did post a snap two days ago to promote a new plot I have started on. 

I could re-discover many of my hobbies that got left behind in the course of following reels. I reconnected with online crossword, an activity that I thoroughly enjoy. I started reading articles from Speaking Tree, a column of TOI that I used to eagerly look forward to every day. I have been trying to get started on newspaper reading but haven't had any success in getting a paper delivered to the area where I live. I hope to get it started soon. 

I caught up with my habit of doing some warm-up exercises and Yoga. I read some good books. I even watched a TV series and loved it. I spent some time with the kid assisting him in his summer activities for the school. I also updated my cooking blog site after a long time. All in all, I feel it has been a productive week!

This week has also been about patience. As I wait for one of my stories to be approved by my writing group, I am learning to wait calmly. Anyone can wait, but it is the way we wait that matters. Initially I kept checking my email every hour to see whether the story has been approved. By the second day, some frustration kept up. But I realized that the writing group is currently undergoing some technical changes and hence many of the stories are to be approved. That somewhat mitigated my frustration and I calmed down, knowing that the story will be approved in due course of time. 

I am trying to find ways to make my days productive. There are languages to be learnt, recipes to be tried out and some drawing to catch up with. I hope to get started on these very soon. 

That is the update for Week 1 of a reel-less existence! Here's hoping that the next week is more productive and filled with memorable moments!


  1. Ur experience has motivated me to uninstall FB on my phone. Let's see if works out for me
    Kudos to u and wishing you all the best


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