Happiness - A Journey And Destination!

As a homemaker, one of the biggest challenges of my day is finding happiness amidst the routine chores. When you have to do the same tasks every day, a sense of boredom creeps in. 

One of the best lessons that I have learnt in my quest for happiness is that, it can be found not just in the destination but in the journey as well. Often we focus so much on the destination that we forget to smell the roses in the various paths that our journey takes us through. 

I try to make mundane tasks interesting by adding something new to the day. While cooking, I usually listen to podcasts. Not only do they inspire me, but the dreary process of cooking turns into something interesting that I actually look forward to. Sometimes I attempt new recipes. Other times I listen to songs while cooking. 

Talking about songs, they are a must when it comes to cleaning the house. I am not a cleanliness-freak and most of the times, I let it go if the house is messy. But sometimes it gets so messy that I finally decide to take up the much-dreaded and much-disliked task of cleaning the house. This task never fails to overwhelm me and hence, to make it bearable and easier, I put on some songs and listen to them while cleaning. Many times, I sing along too. Just about anything to make the task bearable!

How exciting can a homemaker's day be?! Add to it, the complete lack of a social life and a socially-awkward introvert and you get the picture. And yet, I keep trying to add some excitement to my day. Watching some sitcom while having breakfast, reading books, writing some articles, checking new recipes to try out on weekends, video-calling my family on Fridays - these are just basic things but they do add in joy and excitement to my days. 

The quest for happiness is constant, trying and never-ending. Frankly, sometimes I feel I am trying too hard. During such times, I let go of all attempts and embrace whatever I am feeling at that particular point of time. One cannot force themselves to be happy. It has to come naturally. More importantly, we need to enjoy the process that we believe will lead to our happiness. So, when melancholy takes over, I embrace it but only as a guest. I have found that the best way to get over a particular feeling is to befriend it, embrace it fully, sit with it for a while and experience it completely until you feel that you have done justice to it and there is nothing left to experience about it anymore. When you get a sense of closure about a particular feeling, you know that you have experienced it the way it was meant to be.

I have realized that keeping a light heart and mind and an easy approach towards life usually aid in the process of happiness. What is the point of holding on to negative vibes and keeping our heart and mind heavy with grudges and regrets when none of us are going to make it alive!? Stay light, live free and live well.

There is no one fixed path to happiness. To each one their own. Some find happiness at the end of the path, some along the way and some, in the company they meet. It is all about smelling the roses on the way and enjoying the journey, all the while learning from the trials and tribulations that we might be subject to. The main point is not to lose oneself in the journey and tire to this extent that we fail to be happy on reaching our destination.

There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. And only you can choose your own path! Enjoy the process and reach your destination knowing that you did full justice to your journey!



  1. I loved the line "there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way'.
    Yes, sometimes life gets boring, hectic and we feel burnt out. Each one of us must find out own way to make happiness a form of life

    1. Very true. Our happiness is in our own hands. Thanks for reading!

  2. Something I needed to read today Deepa..immensely like your posts 💕

    1. Thank you so much! I am glad that you could relate to this!

  3. Such a fun and refreshing writeup. Loved it!

  4. Perfectly said couldn't have used better words to emote this. Some day I would write about what I actually feel about this. But yeah it's just the way u look at it that reflects


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